Strong Slim Core – BodyBallet Workout for a Strong Centre and Posture

Ballet is all about the core! Without a strong centre the steps are virtually impossible. Being able to continually hold your posture and back up while performing challenging steps takes a lot of training. Here is my weekly core challenge, which tones and strengthens every muscle in your centre,  for you to master.

Seated Abs Hold with Leg Openers 10 – 20 reps
Start sitting on the floor and lean back slightly with your abdominals pulled in and contracted. If you feel this in your lower back you’re leaning back too far. Keep your arms out to the side and shoulders drawn down your back to avoid tension in the upper body. Extend your legs out in front of you off the ground with the intention to stretch them fully. This take time so if you need to start with the knees bent and gradually work toward straightening then that’s absolutely fine. Hold this ‘V’ position for 5 seconds keeping the abs really tight then slowly open the legs and close again. Do your reps remembering to breathe and keep the upper body relaxed.

Fan Abs 10 – 20 reps each side
A personal favourite, you should really feel this in your obliques and the sides of your waist. Start lying on your right side with your right arm on the floor in front of you for balance. Fold your body off the ground on your side as though trying to touch your left foot with your left hand, keeping the feet together and as straight as possible. Keep your spine as straight as possible while you do this and your abs drawn in. If this is too challenging, you can start by keeping your underneath leg on the floor and only raising one. Do your reps then repeat on the other side.

Plank Crunches with Knee to Chin 8 – 15 reps each side
Start in plank position with your abs contracted and shoulders drawn away from your ears. Lift the right leg off the ground, bend the knee and draw it in toward your chin while lifting your hips upwards and bringing your weight forward and off of your left toes. Squeeze your abs as you do this then extend the right leg back out again and straighten your back into plank position before repeating. Do your reps then do the same on the other side.

Pike Lift 4 – 8 reps
This is a real challenge and takes a while to master… but it is possible and the journey of trying to accomplish it will do your abs wonders. Sit with your legs extended in front of you and hands placed down on the floor close to your thighs. Keeping your legs together and engaged strongly, draw your abs inwards and push your hips backwards and chest forward while lifting your legs and bottom off the ground a few inches. Hold for 2 seconds then lower. To start with, you may need to keep your heels on the floor until you have built enough strength in your abs to complete this. It takes time. Be patient… and determined.

Liked this workout? Have a go at our Lean Legs one here.

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